Chicken - Chicken & Cabbage Stir Fry

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Chicken - Chicken & Cabbage Stir Fry

Post by Chowhound »

4 C. Shredded chicken
2 Tbsp. Olive oil
1 C. Onion chopped
1 Medium cabbage chopped
1 Red bell pepper thinly sliced
1 Jalapeno deseeded and finely chopped
2 tsp. Garam Masala
Salt and pepper to taste

Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the onion to the skillet and saute until just starting to soften. Place the bell pepper and jalapeno into the skillet, and saute until the bell pepper is becoming tender. Add the chicken and cabbage to the skillet, tossing to mix well. Cook until the cabbage has begun to soften. Sprinkle the garam masala over the mixture as well as salt and pepper to taste. Stir to combine, and continue to cook covered over medium heat until the cabbage is tender, and cooked to your liking.
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