Sauce - Dakota Tribe Wojapi Berry Sauce

NOTE: We permit posting of hot sauce recipes from various sources because they are part of cooking, but it must be warned that some of these hot sauces are very wicked and should be made with gloves and be treated with extreme caution. You are on your own!
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Sauce - Dakota Tribe Wojapi Berry Sauce

Post by Chowhound »

4 cups blueberries or chokecherries, fresh or frozen
1-2 tablespoons cornstarch or arrowroot
Maple syrup
¼ cup water

In a saucepan, simmer berries and water over low heat, stirring occasionally. (If using fresh berries, you may need more water to keep them from scorching.) Once the berries are broken down into a sauce, spoon out some sauce and whisk in the thickener. Fresh berries should need 1 tablespoon, frozen might need 2 tablespoons thickener. Whisk until completely dissolved, then add back to the rest of the sauce. Sweeten to taste with maple syrup. Serve on cornbread or ice cream.
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