Sauce - Green Pipian Romesco Sauce (For Steaks)

NOTE: We permit posting of hot sauce recipes from various sources because they are part of cooking, but it must be warned that some of these hot sauces are very wicked and should be made with gloves and be treated with extreme caution. You are on your own!
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Sauce - Green Pipian Romesco Sauce (For Steaks)

Post by Chowhound »

1 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup sesame seeds
1 onion, peeled & roughly chopped
3 cloves garlic, peeled
2 poblano peppers, seeded and roughly chopped
1 lb tomatillo (preferably fresh), husks removed and roughly chopped.
1/2 cup chicken stock
3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 bunch cilantro
Juice of 1-2 limes
Salt to taste

In a dry skillet, toast the pumpkin seeds until they just start to turn golden brown and pop. Do not let them cook beyond this stage or they will be bitter. Remove from pan and set aside. Toast the sesame seeds until golden, then remove and pour into bowl with pumpkin seeds. Add 1 tbsp oil to the pan, then brown the onion, garlic cloves and poblano strips until they soften and a little color has developed. Place the pumpkin and sesame seeds in a blender or food processor. Add a little of the chicken stock. Blend until combined. Add the peppers, onions, garlic and tomatillos, along with the rest of the chicken stock. Blend until well combined, about 3-5 minutes. If the mixture is sticking to the sides and too dry, add the oil and a little extra chicken stock. Finally, add the cilantro bunch and the lime juice, as well as 1 tsp salt. Blend, then add more salt to taste. Will store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.
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