Cake - WWII War Cake #2

The home-canning recipes are not for amateurs, but to be used by those with experience and knowledge of how to safely can food and properly use equipment. See your local county extension service on classes and information before you EVER attempt to home-can food. Our parents and grandparents did it - so can you!
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Cake - WWII War Cake #2

Post by Chowhound »

2 cups brown sugar
2 cups hot water
2 tablespoons lard (or margarine)
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 package seedless raisins

Boil all the above ingredients for 5 minutes after they begin to bubble. When cold, add:

1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon hot water
3 cups flour

Thoroughly beat all ingredients together and pour into 2 loaf pans. Bake in pre-heated 350-degree oven for 25 - 30 minutes.
Peace At The Dinner Table - Good Food Has No Borders!
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