Topping - Coconut Whipped Cream

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Topping - Coconut Whipped Cream

Post by Chowhound »

14 ounces can coconut cream or full-fat coconut milk
1/4 to 3/4 cups confectioners' sugar
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract (optional)

Chill your coconut cream or coconut milk in the refrigerator overnight, being sure not to shake or tip the can—you want to encourage separation of the cream and liquid. The next day, chill a large mixing bowl 10 minutes before whipping. Remove the coconut cream or milk from the fridge without tipping or shaking and remove the lid. Scrape out the top layer of thickened cream and leave the liquid behind (reserve for use in smoothies and baking). If your cream didn't harden, see notes in step 6. Place hardened cream in your chilled mixing bowl. Beat for 30 seconds with a mixer until creamy. Then add confectioners' sugar to taste (and vanilla, if using) and mix until creamy and smooth, about 1 minute. Taste and adjust sweetness as needed. Use immediately or refrigerate. It will harden and set in the fridge the longer it's chilled. Coconut whipped cream will keep for up to 1 to 2 weeks.

NOTES: *If your coconut milk didn’t harden and separate after refrigerating, you probably got a dud can without the right fat content. This is because coconut milk is sourced from all over the world and depending on where it’s from and who the producer is, the fat content will vary. In that case, you can try to salvage by adding a bit of tapioca flour (1 to 4 tablespoons) during the whipping process.
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