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Warm Mustard Potato Salad

Posted: 10 Jan 2021, 06:45
by Marine Corps
Red Potatoes (roughly 2 lbs.)
Green Beans (¾ lbs. chopped into ½” sticks)
Scallions (Bunch sliced and split between white and green)
Shallots (2-3 sliced)
Parsley (Bunch chopped)
Whole Grain Mustard (2 Tbs.)
Sherry Vinegar (2 Tbs.)
EVOO (½ Cup + 1 Tbs)
Pepper & Salt

Pre-heat your oven to 400°F. Wash and scrub your potatoes. Place ¼ cup of EVOO and a pinch of salt into a medium bowl and mix to combine. Slice into ½” cubes and place into the bowl and toss to coat. Lay the potatoes into a single layer and roast in the oven for 30 minutes. Ensure that after 15 minutes, to toss them one time. Remove when done and cover with a kitchen towel and reserve. Meanwhile, add a Tbs. of EVOO to a sauté pan over medium heat. Add the shallots and white scallions. Cook for 8-10 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for an additional minute. In a medium/large metal bowl, add the mustard and sherry vinegar and mix to combine. Slowly add the remaining EVOO to create an emulsion. Stir to keep warm. Remove when the shallots/onions are done. Place your steamer over high heat to bring water to a slow boil and plenty of steam is rolling. Salt the green beans then add to the steamer and cook 5-7 minutes. Remove and reserve. Add the reserved potatoes and toss with the green beans, scallions, sautéed onions, parsley, green onions, pepper and salt to taste. Add more sherry vinegar for a more assertive kick. Serve warm.