Peanut Butter - Cottage Cheese Pickle Peanut Butter Sandwich

It s generally agreed throughout the world that a sandwich is two pieces of bread with something in-between. As if we were not confused enough, we have tried to list sandwiches by type: sandwich, burgers, grilled cheese, submarine, sausage (includes hot dogs), stuffed, open-face.
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Peanut Butter - Cottage Cheese Pickle Peanut Butter Sandwich

Post by Chowhound »

2/3 cup cottage cheese
1/3 cup chunky peanut butter
1/3 cup diced dill or sweet pickles
8 slices bread
2 tablespoons milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg, beaten
Fat for frying (butter, bacon grease, olive oil)

Combine cottage cheese, peanut butter, and chopped pickles. Spread the mixture on 4 slices and cover with ghe other 4 slies. Add milk and salt to the beaten egg and mix thoroughly. Dip both sides of sandwiches quickly in the egg mixture. Do not soak the bread. Brfown on both sides over moderate heatg.
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