HOW TO - Post A Recipe (And Determine Those We WILL NOT Post)

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HOW TO - Post A Recipe (And Determine Those We WILL NOT Post)

Post by Chowhound »

1. NO VIDEOS EXCEPT IN THE VIDEO SECTION! Posted videos disappear after 7 days - they are not permanent.


That said and done, here is how we do it here:

1. Plan your recipe before you post it. We use the traditional cookbook recipe format with a picture of the finished dish - picture is mandatory. We do not use pictures of the preparation process. You will need to save a picture of the recipe to your computer before you post. We'll explain uploading the photo in a later step. Choose the proper category to place the recipe in.

2. Pick a good title (please use your spell checker). Make double-D sure you are not posting a duplicate of one already on board. We do NOT speak in all-caps or all-lower, so don't post anything like that.

3. Look at a couple of the already-filed recipes to get a good idea of the finished product.

4. List ingredients first, then list the "how to" portion. Ingredients are listed in the US cooking measurements; do NOT use metrics. The how to portion is one continuous paragraph - you don't need to list step numbers.

5. Adding A Photo. Click upload attachment on the bottom of the posting form, then search for photo on your computer. The larger the photo the better. When a person looking at the recipe clicks on the photo it is enlarged big time. Do not post tiny photos because they will not enlarge. Before uploading the photo use your "cropping" tool and crop off writing, titles - post just the plain photo.

6. Click on 'Preview'. A copy of the recipe as you entered it will appear. If you are satisfied with the posting, click 'Submit and the posting is complete --- from your end.

7. ALL recipes are 100% moderated to make sure they are formatted correctly; please pay a bit of attention to the process. This will give the member a bit of experience and practice to do it our way. We're going to be very exacting so that when a visitor clicks on the print icon it will look nice for their collection. The whole idea and goal is to provide good, print-friendly recipes for users,

8. The next step is voluntary but it would be nice if you place your name (rank, if military or veteran), city and state. We want to publicize you and your accomplishment. There is no way that site visitors can obtain your address or e-mail address.

9. RECIPES WE WILL NOT POST: We will NOT allow recipes from non-traditional ingredients such as "bush meat" or any kind of DIET recipe. The only recipes that see the light of day here are those whose ingredients you can buy at your local supermarket, from a farm or those you can raise or plant yourself.

10. At the time of approval of your post, we will duplicate (copy) your recipe to other categories within this cookbook, as necessary.
Peace At The Dinner Table - Good Food Has No Borders!
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