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Plaintains - Tatale (Plaintain Pancakes) (Ghana)

Posted: 01 Jul 2021, 05:19
by Chowhound
2 yellow plantains (very ripe)
½ cup corn flour (fine corn meal)
1 onion , chopped
1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
1 small lemon (freshly squeezed)
½ teaspoon red pepper powder
½ pinch salt
Vegetable oil (for frying)

Slice the plantains, place in a large bowl and immediately sprinkle with lemon juice. With a fork, mash the plantains and add the onion and ginger. Add the corn flour, chill and salt and mix well with a wooden spoon. In a deep skillet, heat a large amount of vegetable oil over medium heat. Maintain the temperature of the oil around 340 F (175 C) during frying. Form balls the size of a ping pong ball, flatten them slightly and fry on both sides until they are golden brown. Serve immediately.