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Beans (Any) - Beans With Cheese

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 06:42
by First Responder - Police
1 lb beans of your choice (pinto, black)
12 cups water (divided into 8 and 4 cups)
1/2 medium white onion into pieces
1 tablespoon salt
1 cup cheese of your choice (fresh cheese, Oaxaca, Chihuahua cheese, Monterey Jack, to name a few)

Wash the beans, remove any stones or specks you see in them and wash them to remove any dust. Put them in the pot where you plan on boiling them and add 4 cups of water. Place them on the stove to cook and when they begin to boil (in about 10 minutes), turn off the stove, cover them, and let them sit for about an hour. Once the hour has passed, strain the beans using a colander then place them back in the original pot and add 8 cups of water. If you are using a pressure cooker, be sure to close it properly and follow all safety instructions. Set it to high heat and when it starts to whistle, lower the temperature and let it cook according to you pressure cookers instructions, this depends on the type of bean as well (black beans cook much faster than the pinto bean for example). In my pot, pinto beans are ready in 25 minutes. If you prefer to use a regular pot, add beans, the 8 cups of water, and let boil until cooked (2-2 1/2 hours), the time cooked will depend on the bean, these beans are cooked uncovered and the water evaporates, check on them a couple of times to make sure they have enough water. If necessary, add water, but be sure to adjust the heat so as not to interrupt the process. When the beans are ready (if using a pressure cooker, be sure to follow safety instructions), put them over medium heat, and add onion and salt. Let boil for five more minutes. Serve in bowls, sprinkle cheese on top and enjoy!