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Sofrito (Puerto Rico)

Posted: 07 Feb 2017, 05:31
by Chowhound
3 large green bell peppers
3 large Spanish onions
2 bags of aji dulce (about 10 peppers)) OR 1 red bell pepper
1 head of garlic, peeled
1 large bunch of cilantro
1/2 bunch of recao (about 15 leaves)

Remove stems and seeds from bell peppers. Cut into quarters. Peel the onion and cut into quarters. Remove stems and seeds from aji dulce. Blend all the ingredients in a food processor or blender until finely minced. Store in airtight container in refrigerator if using within a few weeks. Or, freeze in small portions (about 1-2 heaping tablespoons) for later use. Ice cube trays work well for this. After frozen, store sofrito cubes in an airtight freezer bag and use as needed. No need to thaw before cooking.