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Wild Boar - Lemon-Rosemary Glazed Wild Board Inside Round

Posted: 18 Jan 2020, 06:25
by Chowhound
1 Wild Boar Inside Round (or chicken breasts, ham, pork sir loin etc.)
2 tbsp Bacon Fat
2 tbsp Honey
4-5 sprigs of fresh Rosemary
1 Lemon
1/2 tbsp crushed Black Pepper
A pinch of Sea Salt

Prep your grill for indirect grilling (coal on the sides). Peel the zest off the lemon using a potato peeler, then cut the lemon in half. Remove the rosemary stems and discard. Chop the rosemary and lemon zest quite finely. Melt the bacon fat in a pot, add the honey, chopped lemon zest and rosemary, black pepper, a pinch of sea salt and the juice from one of the lemon halves. Let gently boil while stirring until it becomes sticky. Quickly sear the meat over the coal, then brush it with the glaze all over and insert a meat thermometer into the center of it. Place the meat in the middle of your grill (ie not directly over the coal), and grill with the lid on until you’ve reached the desired core temperature. (For wild boar I go to somewhere between 150-158F (65-70C). Let it rest for a while before you slice it up and serve.