Salsa - California Avocado Salsa

NOTE: We permit posting of hot sauce recipes from various sources because they are part of cooking, but it must be warned that some of these hot sauces are very wicked and should be made with gloves and be treated with extreme caution. You are on your own!
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Salsa - California Avocado Salsa

Post by Chowhound »

3 Avocados
2 Roma tomatoes about 1/2 cup
2 Tbsp onion
1 can jalepeno small, add to taste
salt to taste
2 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp cilantro

Start by peeling the skin and removing the pit of the avocado. You can use a potato masher to make your avocados chunky. You can also just slice them into small cubes but you don't want them to be too mashed up. Dice the roma tomato, and onion into small chunks. Place the onion in water to take some of the bite out. Add them to the diced avocado. Add the jalapeno to taste. Mix together. Add the lemon juice, cilantro, and salt to taste. You can add more of the ingredients to your taste and liking. Serve with chips and enjoy!
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