Tuna - Heinz Mayonnaise Tuna Croquettes

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Tuna - Heinz Mayonnaise Tuna Croquettes

Post by Chowhound »

For the croquettes:
2 large potatoes, peeled, diced, boiled and cooled
3 tins of drained and flaked tuna
2 tbsp olive oil
2 peppers (yellow and red), diced
1 medium onion, diced
2 clove garlic
1 tbsp tomato puree
2 tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped
4 tbsp Heinz Mayonnaise
¼ tsp smoked paprika
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Salt, to taste
For the breading:
Plain flour
2 eggs, beaten
Panko (or other) breadcrumbs
Neutral oil, for shallow-frying
For the dip:
150g Heinz Mayonnaise
Zest + juice of half a lemon
½ clove garlic, crushed to a fine paste
Smoked paprika, for topping (optional)
Salt, to taste

Combine the ingredients for your dip, then set aside. Mash cooked potato with a fork until smooth. Add remaining ingredients and stir to combine. Pop in the fridge for 30 minutes to firm up. Using clean, slightly damp hands, shape your mixture into croquettes. Alternatively, use two spoons. Keeping your hands dedicated to either wet or dry bowls, flour, egg and breadcrumb each croquette, ensuring to remove excess of any of the components before moving on to the next. Heat oil to 175°C. Fry the croquettes, in batches if necessary, until wonderfully golden and crisp all over. Drain briefly on kitchen paper, then serve immediately.
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